Hello everyone, I am Zhou Yi, a dance student from Mulin Academy and also the host of the Mulin Painting Competition two weeks ago.
I want to say sorry to everyone affected by the harm I have suffered here.
Because of my selfishness, greed, and jealousy, I framed Lin Fei, a fellow student and participating girl from Mulin College. In order to trap her in the vortex, I lured members of the Lin Fei group and the group leader to become my accomplice. I tampered with Lin Fei's group painting, which resulted in her and the group's hard work being slandered and framed. In the end, what everyone saw was a copy of another contestant's painting.
Guide public opinion and use the host's position to make everyone believe that Lin Fei is a plagiarist before the matter is implemented.
Afterwards, fearing that the matter would be leaked, he hid Lin Zuzhang in a deserted place and prevented him from coming forward.
Finally, once again, I solemnly apologize to everyone.
Sorry to my classmates and netizens who trust me, sorry to the organizers for their trust in me, and sorry to the teachers and schools who care about me in subtle ways.
I will accept all the consequences and responsibilities of punishment. Thank you all for taking the time to read this statement amidst your busy schedules.
Apologize once again to Lin Fei for all the language attacks she should not have suffered due to my selfish and malicious behavior.】(聲明。
【Have you heard Have you heard that the Mulin Painting Competition has turned around!】(聽說了嗎,聽說了嗎,慕林繪畫大賽事件反轉了!)
【I heard, I heard! I never expected it! Zhou Yi is actually such a person! I really like her. It's a pity that she dances so well. I'm so confused. Originally, the internationally renowned ballet teacher Sirm would come to Mulin to recruit a student this year. Zhou Yi was expected by everyone, and there was only one spot available. The whole school had high hopes for Zhou Yi. Now that this spot is available, it's a pity. Joining Sirm's dance troupe is a direct competition for the whole world, so what an opportunity for honor. What a fool!!!!】聽說了聽說了!真沒想到!周以居然是這樣的人!我可喜歡了,跳舞那麼好,真是可惜了啊。糊涂啊真是糊涂。本來今年國際知名的芭蕾舞Sirm老師,會來慕林招一個同學的,周以本來是眾所歸的,名額就一個,全校都看好周以的。現在這個名額要供手讓人了呀,真是可惜,加Sirm老師的舞蹈團可是直接面向全世界比賽的,那榮譽那機會啊。真是糊涂啊!!!!
【This Lin team leader is also a married man who still thinks about other girls. He has done all sorts of bad things! Destroy if you can't get it! Disgusting man! Pooh——】這個林組長也是,都是有婦之夫了,還惦記著別的孩子,真是壞事做盡啊!得不到就毀掉?!惡心男!呸——
【@Mu Lin Academy official, do you still need these two students This disgusting covert operation, I don't know how many people have been framed by them. It's definitely not the first time, won't your hospital respond Just pretending to be dead like this Do you want peace of mind Are you still planning to shut our mouths! Come out and respond quickly!!!】@慕林學院方,這兩個學生你們還要啊?這麼惡心的暗箱作,也不知道有多人被他們陷害了都,肯定不是第一次,你們院方不給個回應嗎?就這樣裝死?想要息事寧人?還是準備堵我們啊?!快出來回應啊!!!
小士:如果覺得不錯,記得收藏網址 或推薦給朋友哦~拜托啦 (>.
九十年代的霍小文被家里重男輕女的思想逼上絕路, 一睜眼來到了八十年代。 賣給瘸子做童養媳?!丟到南山墳圈子?! 臥槽,霍小文生氣笑了, 這特麼都是什麼鬼! 極品爸爸帶著死老太太上門搗亂? 哈哈,來吧來吧,女子報仇,十年不晚吶,就等著你們上門呢!!!
【漠然兇悍偏執糙漢vs釣系嬌嬌柔弱美人】上輩子宋嬌嬌是眼高于頂的下鄉知青,膚白,貌美,還有錢。就是眼神不太好,掏心窩子對待的姐姐,反手就把她賣進了大山,還害得她家破人亡,抱恨黃泉。重生后,她手撕極品親戚,腳踢渣男賤女,在物質匱乏的年代,帶領全家奔小康!她看向始終為她保駕護航的男人,他穿著白色背心,被汗水浸透,結實的胸肌,布滿青筋的手臂,熱烘烘的大掌,無一處不散發著爆棚的荷爾蒙。上輩子她一定是瞎了眼,才會放著這麼好的糙漢軍官不要! ——等等,說好的對她百依百順的寵妻狂魔呢?這個讓她揉著腰,三天...
那年,十八歲的溫延珵是來餘音家的“灰姑娘”。 這年,餘音二十二歲,從千金名媛淪爲灰姑娘。 一句“六年前的恩還沒報”。他們閃婚了。 餘音一直都以爲他是在報恩,幫她還清了債務,給她母親治病。 殊不知,溫延珵花了六年的時間,摸爬滾打,從晦暗如深,到耀眼奪目,纔敢走到她的面前。 他們之間,他一直都在努力走九十九步。 好似一壺酸梅溫酒,他終究嚐到了甜。 她以爲的先婚後愛,不過就是他“蓄謀已久”卑微的暗戀成真。